Estimating / Tendering

The ability to scope, define and rework information to achieve a "baseline" budget and cost plan are critical to the success of jobs in the bidding pipeline as well as jobs already won and in progress.

The Cube solution allows a Bill of Quantities to be simply and quickly prepared in a variety of ways and printed as a set of professional documents, making this an invaluable tool for cost plan management.

Stand-alone or integrated with the Estimating, the Tender enquiries module allows the Materials Resources and Subcontract Trades, within a job, to be sent to selected Suppliers and Subcontractors as an enquiry, and when the quotations are returned, simply enter them into a comparison and select the required prices for the Estimate.

Specific gains will accrue from:

Industry Standard:
  • Jobs may be imported from other Estimating or Bill Production Systems via industry standard CITE Files.
  • Elements of the Bill created manually, copied from another Job or imported from a Standard Pricing Library.
  • On-screen display of the Bill of Quantities, including fonts and page-breaks that will be as printed.
  • Professional quality Bill of Quantities printed, with or without rates, profit, VAT or converted to another currency.
  • Items may be added, copied, changed or deleted anywhere within the Estimate.
  • Dimensions take-off may be used to record measurements, including the use of a digitiser to take measurements directly from drawings.
  • Rates may be directly entered or built up from Labour, Plant, Materials and Subcontract resources.
  • Resource prices may be adjusted globally, with the Bill Rates being automatically updated.
  • Full analysis of Labour, Plant, Materials and Subcontract resources, giving total quantities, rate and value for each resource by Estimate and for individual Sections.
  • Activities may be created and used. These elements contain quantified build-ups of resources and other activities (to any depth). Analyses of the Resources split these activities into their component Labour, Plant, Materials and Subcontract elements.
  • Resource analysis may be printed without rates, to form the basis of an enquiry to suppliers or sub-contractors.
  • Estimates may be exported to industry standard C.I.T.E format files for transfer to other Estimating packages.
Speed of use:
  • Any number of suppliers/Subcontractors may be added to the Enquiry from a name register or directly into the job.
  • Enquiries may be printed or sent by e-mail. E-mails may be in C.I.T.E, word processor or spreadsheet formats and may have attached files such as specifications etc.
  • Standard letters may be created within the module and attached to the enquiry. Labels can also be defined and printed for each Supplier/Subcontractor in the enquiry.
  • Enquiry progress may be tracked, with follow-up letters, recording of contact by telephone etc.
  • Quotations returning by e-mail may be imported directly into the comparison sheet without typing.
  • Comparisons may include general discounts, trading discounts and specified adjustments for each Subcontractor
Sales: 0203 174 8066 - Option 2

Support: 0203 174 8066 - Option 1

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